I just received the following message from Jackie about her son. If you want to send her a message her email is ring.bj@verizon.net
From: “Bill & Jacque’ Ring” <ring.bj@verizon.net>
Date: April 18, 2013, 1:30:32 PM EDT
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
Subject: Fw: Girls luncheon Fri. Apr. 19th

Got bad news last night.  My son, Jason has cancer of the Esophagus.  It is quite advanced with thickening of the esophagus and large tumor(5).  They are going to put a feeding tube in his stomach to build up his strength.  He will be in the hospital a few days to adjust to the tube.  He has not been able to swallow/eat and has lost a tremendous amount of weight.  To start chemo asap.  Keep him in your prayers that God will be with him and have him heal quickly without a lot of after effects.

    I am so upset that it has taken so long for them to finally find out what is going on.  He has been suffering with the classic symptoms of cancer of the exophagus for some time.  Over 6 months to a year. 
    Christie has asked that a lot ofpeople do not call her, and especially not Jason at this time.  They have their hands full right now. 
LUA. Jacque’